If I could just change_______!
Jul 06, 2023Today, I want to tell you a story.
I am honored to work as a life coach for teachers.
In addition to working with my own private clients, I also coach educators each week for an incredible group called Wife Teacher Mommy. (It's fab-you can check it out here.)
My client Katherine came into our group coaching Zoom to announce, "Chrissy, Everybody, I am cancer-free today."
Katherine reminded us on the call that she had received a breast cancer diagnosis a year before. It could have been a lot worse, but doctors caught it early.
"I have to tell you that it's coaching my mind and changing my thoughts that saved me."
I did remember coaching Katherine on self-care but I had not idea about the doctor's visit or her powerful action to deeply care for her body.
"You made me see that I was ignoring myself & my body. As a teacher, I was taking care of everyone else at the table but myself," Katherine continued.
"You saved my life, Chrissy. Because of coaching, I am alive: I'm not sick."
But it wasn't me. It was her. And I had to show her that one very powerful fact.
We all have so much power over our thoughts, actions, and feelings.
And yes, we have the power to change.
"Who took action, booked that mammogram, and went to the appointment?"
Katherine looked like a little kid when she saw it, almost reluctantly, and her face lit up, "I did!"
You see, coaching changes lives, yes but it only goes so far.
You have to do it and you CAN do it.
But it's a practice (and you can practice)!
I still work at it. Every-damn-day. I'm practicing to change to shift or just to be.
To be with yourself. Right now. Yes.
To change what you want to change. Right now. Yes.
This week's podcast is about change. But if you want deep one-on-one change, let's just have a chat. You can sign up for an easy alignment call here.
Your words and thoughts are the super highways to your reality.