64. Rising into Love with Teaching

Ever noticed that the way our society describes that incredible feeling of new love as "falling in love" and never "rising into love"? 

It's funny when you think about it.

In Episode 64, we discuss how the concept of rising into love with teaching can help you think about your classroom in a different way. 

I also give you tips and strategies for thoughts to think and actions to take to help you rise into love for teaching. 

Want to rise into and create more love for yourself? Announcing my 5-week coaching group for five teachers only: "Weight Loss for Busy Teachers" beginning October 17. Sign up at my website www.thechrissyconcept.com for this incredible course that will help you create a more loving relationship with your body. 

You can hear Alan Watt's song "Falling in love" here: https://genius.com/Alan-watts-falling-into-love-annotated


More About Teacher Talk with Chrissy Nichols:

Teacher Talk is the podcast for educators like you who are on the brink of burnout, or are already there. It’s your guide to feeling better about being at school and being in your life. Your host, Chrissy Nichols, is a life coach for teachers. In her weekly episodes, she will give you quick tools, tips, and brain hacks to understand that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. It’s time to find the joy in teaching again and get back to feeling like the best version of yourself.