65. Successing in Teaching
I made up the word "Successing" for Episode 65 to help us remember that that success in teaching is messy. Successing means trying, failing, adjusting, trying, failing and learning.
Successing also means asking for help when you need it and receiving that help.
Successing means giving yourself a break and letting go of perfectionism.
Announcing Weight Loss for Busy Teachers, my 5-week coaching course for teachers beginning on OCTOBER 17.
If you want to lose weight for the last time, this group is for you where you’ll be with no more than 4 others like-minded teachers, encouraging you along the way.
To sign up, go to my website www.chrissyconcept.com for details. You must sign up October 13th to get this unbeatable offer.
More About Teacher Talk with Chrissy Nichols:
Teacher Talk is the podcast for educators like you who are on the brink of burnout, or are already there. It’s your guide to feeling better about being at school and being in your life. Your host, Chrissy Nichols, is a life coach for teachers. In her weekly episodes, she will give you quick tools, tips, and brain hacks to understand that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. It’s time to find the joy in teaching again and get back to feeling like the best version of yourself.